Monday, January 14, 2013



(Cue the first four notes of Beethoven's 5th Symphony.) 

Perhaps it's not in the best interest of others that quite a bit comes to mind when I think revenge. But, the important thing is that I haven't acted out what goes on in my head. (Yet.) Revenge is like a bud sprouting from the tree of humanity. Stay with me here. It's a binary feeling, the primary being anger. It's normal to want to retaliate. Think back to when you were in Kindergarten, and a kid stole your animal cracker. Did you take something of theirs? Or, were you that kid that told the teacher? Personally, I was the one that kicked the other and walked away, but we all have our own ways of resolving things, I suppose. Of course, I've also grown since then and have learned to use words to get my point across, instead. I guess that's not always the best, either.

It's probably not surprising that, as a teenage girl, I'm reminded of past relationships when revenge is mentioned. I tend to lean on music as my pillar of stability. Without music, there is no doubt in my mind that I would be a serial killer. I wouldn't be sane if music didn't exist. Listening to, and creating, music is one method that I use to deal with -well, anything, really, but for the sake of this topic,- break-ups. Now that I look at it, the songs on my SD card that deal with revenge seem to be more prevalent than other types of songs. I listen to country music 98% of any given time. So, naturally, the songs below that I've added are country.
The device with which I'm using doesn't allow me to embed videos to the page, so you'll have to settle for links. Deal with it.
One of my favorite post-break-up songs would have to be >Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood.< Probably because I can relate to the song, sort of. I've had the urge more than once to chuck a decent-size rock through the windshield of my ex's jeep, but not because he cheated on me. If he had cheated on me, he'd have his balls cut off. (Sorry, no baby gravy for scumbags.) Nonetheless, whether he cheated or not, it's still a great song.
At an early age, it was obvious that I had an interest in music. However, the first full song I learned wasn't Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It was a song by the Dixie Chicks, a trio of girls with a violin. The song that I'll be providing via link is one of their more popular songs, and probably for a good reason. It's a song about a low-life wife-beater. Enough said. Sit back, and enjoy >Goodbye Earl by Dixie Chicks.<

I would imagine that Shakepeare's Hamlet is the most well-known play that deals with revenge. If I were Hamlet, I'd want revenge, too. His uncle marries his mother barely two months after his father's death. That alone is enough to make anybody angry. Whoops, it looks like that's not the only thing uncle Claudius has done to piss off the melancholy Prince. It turns out that dear ol' unlce Claudius killed King Hamlet, winning his wife, the throne, and control. I don't blame Hamlet for wanting to retaliate.

We've all had our moments when we've wanted to get back at someone for screwing us over. However, I find that karma's the best form of revenge. After all, karma's a bitch, and everybody knows it. What better way is there to retaliate than to let fate do all the work?